Santalum Acuminatum (Quandong) Fruit Extract

Santalum Acuminatum (Quandong) Fruit Extract

What is it? 

Quandong is a native Australian fruit used throughout the ages by Aboriginal communities for its healing and nutritious properties. 

Also known as Desert Peach, quandong has a distinctive peach mixed with apricot flavour. The fruit is commonly eaten fresh off the tree or used as an ingredient in desserts, jams and juices. 

More than just a delicious way to reach your five-a-day, the potent nutritional content of quandong also strengthens immunity and offers effective prevention and cure for disease. Containing powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, the leaves, bark and seeds of quandong are all traditionally used as medicine and healing ointments. 

With every part of the native fruit used to beat illness and provide vital nutrition, it will come as no surprise that quandong is becoming just as popular as an ingredient in skincare as it is in food. 


    What are the benefits? 

    • Potent antioxidant rich in chlorogenic acid, tryptophan, vitamin c, rutin and ferulic acid 
    • Hydrates the skin 
    • Strong defence against free radicals and UV damage 
    • Contains active phenolic acids, a more natural and gentler alternative to AHAs. With similar benefits to the popular skincare ingredient, the quandong works to break down the protein barrier to keep sebum and debris moving and skin cells clear 
    • Reduces inflammation 

                  EWG’s Skin Deep score = 1

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