Potassium Sorbate



What is it? 

Potassium sorbate is a preservative. Potassium sorbate prolongs the shelf life of foods by stopping the growth of mold, yeast, and fungi. It was discovered in the 1850s by the French, who derived it from berries of the mountain ash tree. Its safety and uses as a preservative have been researched for the last fifty years. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognises it as generally safe when used appropriately. It is an odorless and tasteless salt synthetically produced from sorbic acid and potassium hydroxide. 

What are the benefits to my hair/skin/well-being? 

  • Prevents the growth of fungi, mold, yeast, and other potentially harmful pathogens. 


EWG’s Skin Deep Score = 2 

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