Citrus Paradisi (Pink Grapefruit) Peel Oil

Citrus Paradisi (Pink Grapefruit) Peel Oil

What is it? 

Grapefruit has a sweet, fresh, light and citrusy aroma that instantly uplifts the body and mind and revitalizes the hair and skin. It is a nutritious citrus fruit that is anti-oxidant rich and contains many medicinal benefits. It gets its name from the Latin word Citrus Paradisi and is a refreshing and revitalizing fruit from which essential oil is extracted. 

The grapefruit essential oil is cold-pressed from the fruit rind, is yellow in colour, and has a water-like consistency. This must be distinguished from grapefruit seed oil, which is produced from the inside of the grapefruit. Both essential oils are commonly used in many commercial hair products. Typically, consumers must use up the oil within 6 months of extraction as after that the benefits lessen thereafter. 


What are the benefits? 

  • Improves blood circulation 
  • Strengthens roots 
  • Antimicrobial 
  • Antioxidant 
  • Leaves hair shiny 
  • Promotes hair growth 
  • Fights dandruff 
  • Detangler 
  • Cleanses hair and scalp stripping away chemicals that have loaded the hair follicles due to hair products and environmental factors 


                                                            EWG’s Skin Deep score = 1